Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo Fun

The girls commandeered Christina's camera tonight after dinner, and got pretty thrilled with themselves for being photographers. They put the camera strap around their necks, pointed the lens up (no easy task with an SLR) and snapped away.

In the midst of the overall merriment, Clara went off to the bathroom, undid the child safety latch on the cabinet, and got out the Q-tips. They know they are never to use these on their own, but for a brief moment things got a tiny bit out of hand.
You can tell these are barely in their ears/nose at all, certainly not enough to do any damage, but the overall game could get risky pretty fast, and so we cracked down right after taking these pictures.
Who egged them on for that briefest of moments?

Well, he seems to have turned out okay. Next up - new safety locks for the bathroom.

1 comment:

Merinda said...

This might be my almost favorite post ever.