Monday, May 30, 2011

Finally, the walk!

Although today dawned just as cloudy and dark as yesterday, we decided to try again for our hike to see the wildflowers.
We had a little trouble convincing Clara we were really going to see the flowers (as they don't show up until you get to higher elevations!) but once we started seeing the little meadows of flowers she was definitely up for the adventure.

She and Elena took turns pointing out different flowers to us, making sure that we got to see them all.

It didn't hurt that the views on this walk are lovely. 

Elena was intrepid the whole time - she convinced us she wanted to carry her own bag with sandwiches and water, and she really did carry it along the whole, several mile trip. 
Our favorite flowers of the day were the wild lupine (Grandma, these are the ones we were telling you about!).
We grow these in our garden, but it's fun to see them just spring up in the wild.

Even if the weather wasn't quite what we had hoped for, it was still a fun little hike to take.
And it was also lovely to set off again for a warm house, and Steve's homemade yummy sourdough bread with Nutella.

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