Thursday, December 17, 2009

Grinch Cookies

How to make Grinch Cookies. Come home from work to a Clara who says: "I make cookies a Mama. Blue Cookies. PLEASE." So, of course, cookies will be made. Easiest cookie to whip up? Hands down the chocolate chip cookie from the back of the bag. Plan to put in blue food coloring to make "Blue Cookies." But the blue looks a bit off, with a slight greenish tinge. Have a Steve grading at the table next to the cooking girls who says: "Add some yellow. That will help." Have a tired Christina, who has also been grading all day, who says "Oh yeah, thanks" and dumps in a bunch of yellow food coloring. Hmmm... it's not yellow and blue that makes more BLUE, of course, it's yellow and blue that makes things MUCH MORE GREEN! And so, Grinch Cookies are born. (They still taste yummy).
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