Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Clara and Elena are into just about every kind of creating - they want to "do crafts" every day, and are especially excited to try something new. They have enjoyed stringing beads to make their own necklaces and bracelets for a few weeks now, but today Christina asked them if they wanted to make necklaces they could eat. No surprise, they were for it!

We brought out a tray of Cheerios (multi grain and chocolate - did you know they made chocolate Cheerios?) and some little plastic, blunt needles we got for the girls to sew with (as an aside, these girls LOVE sewing - they want to sew EVERYTHING!) and had them string the Cheerios through the needle onto dental floss.

Busy at work, happily munching Cheerios from the tray in the meantime.
Proud of their creations!

And happily enjoying the fruits of their labors.
Clara asked us to take a picture of her like this - she was "relaxin!"
Also, Clara drew this today - not sure if you can tell that these are faces (though the bottom left one looks a bit like a turtle, no?) but we thought they were just great!

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