Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sit right down, my sweet birthday girl!

So, the title of this post is a quote from Clara.  Between the sweet things she and Elena said all day, and the wonderful way Steve treated her all day, Christina had the best birthday ever!  The day before Elena had said: "Mom, I know what you want for your birthday!  I'm going to let you sleep!"  And she did - Christina awoke at her own leisurely pace to a doll lovingly placed beside her, and a sweet family ready to spoil her.  She was showered with gifts and cards, taken out to lunch, then whisked to a spa for the afternoon.  When we got back to Nana and G-Daddy's the girls hot-tubbed and hung out with Christina laughing while Steve grilled up an amazing dinner.

Grillmaster Steve and Nana Rose.

After dinner Clara and Elena helped Steve finish frosting the coconut cake they made.

And then the helpers came to help Mom blow out the candles.
Um, or hinder....tough to tell.

It was such a wonderful day!