Thursday, May 15, 2008

Playtime for Sisters

As any sibling knows, your favorite toy is likely to be your brother's/sister's favorite toy, too - that goes double for twins at the exact same stage of development. Although Clara and Elena have separate toys that they enjoy, this alligator xylophone that some friends handed down to us is a hands-down favorite for both of them.

Curses to whomever decided it should come with only one stick - they fight over it all the time, grabbing it out of each other's hands often. This rarely comes to tears, but it is interesting to see them assert themselves. Sometimes we wonder how much they see eachother as independent beings and not just images/extensions of themselves.

When the xylophone stick isn't available, the base of the ring-stacking toy makes a nice substitute.

Clara hadn't gotten to wear this shirt yet- you may remember a previous post that had Elena in the shirt (without thinking we would ever be waiting for twins, we only have one shirt!). So, here is one that shows that Clara was worth the wait, too.

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Unknown said...

How cute that you linked to my blog! I'm glad they enjoy it...has either of them figured out that they can also push on the keys? I hope you aren't getting a headache!

Swistle said...

Oh, they are soooooo sweet!