We're not sure what the trouble has been with the blog - we have 11 posts ready to go, but for the past few months Blogger has been telling us that we are over our data limit and that we have to pay each month to pay more. We've been working to figure out what to do when today Blogger suddenly allowed us to post again! If this luck holds get ready for a catch-up!
This post is dedicated to the girls' birthmom, Ashley, and to her kids and her mom, LeAnne. We were lucky enough to get to spend time with them out in Miles City this October and we had a fantastic time. They were so generous, and all the kids got along really well. The girls were especially excited to meet new baby Baeleigh, and it was wonderful to see Dezi. Clara, Elena and Gabe had so much fun playing together!
It was a special treat that Ashley arranged for her friend Starly to meet us at the fairgrounds with her horse. Elena and Clara LOVED getting to have some horseback riding lessons, and it was awesome to watch Starly ride around, too.
Playing horses with Gabe.
Elena, Ashley, and Clara - three beautiful cowgirls.
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