Saturday, June 25, 2011

Farmer's Market

 We love Saturdays - Farmer's Market days!  Today we sat in sunshine, got rained on, were too hot for the clothes we wore, were too cold for the clothes we wore, and had fun nonetheless. 
 Our first stop was this little fountain outside the coffee shop that Steve loves.
 From there, it was on to get the baked doughnuts that are made in town every week, which the girls love to sample.

 Okay, we love to sample, too.

 We told the girls they could buy anything new at the market this week they wanted - they chose "chicken eggs."  Earlier this week we went to a neighbor's house and gathered eggs from his chicken coop, and the girls took some home and ate them for breakfast.  They ADORED those eggs, and recognized that they are different from the ones we buy at the store (although we do tell them they are really both from chickens).  So it was no surprise that these were there picks from the market today.
 Messy Clara, post-doughnut - that girl always picks the messiest variety possible!
 Elena, showing off our bounty from the market today (golden beets, broccoli, and the eggs).
 Next to the Farmer's Market today was an antique car show.    We stopped over to look, and both girls were amazed at this little display in the trunk of the one of the cars!
 On our way out of the market there is a little path with huge rocks here and there (so that no one can go down it too fast, we imagine!).  We love stopping to play here - today Steve was the troll who wouldn't let anyone on his rock.

 Then, on our trip back to the car we saw this butterfly land in some flowers - it was remarkably un-alarmed by our presence.

 It even let them pet it before it flew off!
 Goodbye, friend!

When we passed a fence backed by flowers, Christina took a second to capture what these little almost-four year olds are like right now.  This about sums it up!

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