Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Soft Dog's Birthday

Today was a snowy, snowy day.  But that was not the most exciting thing about it.
Today was Soft Dog's birthday!  Elena had asked a month or so ago when his birthday was, and we said it was near Christmas.  We decided today was the day, so when the girls woke up we announced that it was Soft Dog's birthday and both girls were beyond excited!

We went to have "Doughnuts in the Dark" as the girls named it - we took Soft Dog and headed out for doughnuts at 7am, when it was indeed still dark.  Then we bought Soft Dog a balloon.  We came home and baked him some cupcakes (they were really corn muffins...shh!).

While they were baking, the girls worked on some ornaments they had made (salt dough -that stuff is great!) that they were making for some people who help us.

Then we put candles in the finished "cupcakes" and sang happy birthday to very dear, dear Soft Dog.
Elena wanted to invite our friend Rachel over for the birthday party, so we did.  She took the girls outside for great snowy fun.
Clara has this devilish look because she is coming at Christina with a snowball. 
She got me!!
Rachel conned the girls into helping her "wash" her car with the new snow.

Then she initiated a super-fun game - throw a girl into a snowbank!  Clara especially loved it.
Elena especially loved the snow angel part.

And that is how we celebrated Soft Dog's special day.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Original Soft Dog or Soft Dog 2? I haven't heard any updates on how the acceptance of the replacement was going, or if you found the first one. Love this idea of a birthday party for him!