Exhibit 1: The swing!
We went to get a swing so the girls could have a little more rocking with a different view than our arms, since they're wanting to be in motion a lot lately. We hope later to have a second swing, but for now Elena was trying out the new contraption and was stunned by it.
Exhibit 2: The over the lap jiggle.
We've been reading "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and they talk about an old family secret in there for calming babies. Here's Steve using that tactic on Elena, and she is blissed out by the results. It calms her and Clara both right down, and they often fall asleep like this.
Exhibit 3: The snuggle.
Both girls, but especially Clara, have taken to snuggling right up into our necks. Christina today held Clara as she climbed her way (little fingers grasping all the while) up into her neck. Fun as that is, it was warm today and that position got a little warm. This is Clara with Christina in a slight adaptation of their favorite new position.
The girls take turns with us regarding who is going to be fussy; thank goodness so far they have rarely both been in bad moods at once. Today, Clara was in a great mood most of the day - here she is thrilled to be in her gym.
So, that's life as it stands now in our household - we're getting a grip, pulling together, and loving each other all the more.
Hi guys! Awesome blog! And what cute baby girls! I have to say I think your girls are a bit more adorable than Jessica's Keridyn. Baby Keridyn seems to have Jessica's "concerned look" permanently on her face.
Dear Christina and Steve:
Thank you for mentioning Dr. Karp's "The Happiest Baby on the Block" in your blog. Congrats on the twins being already 2 months old! Dr. Karp wanted to recommend that in addition to the reading the book, you watch the DVD since it is the fastest, most accurate way for parents (especially dads!) to learn how to do the 5 S’s correctly, and to use a white noise source (like our Super Soothing Sleep Sounds CD) to help Clara and Elana sleep.
Dr. Karp stresses the importance of using white noise, like the CD, every night to help increase the quality and quanity of both of your baby's sleep. The CD should be played as loudly as s shower sound all night in their room. This will increase their sleep by at least an additional 1-3 hours nightly, and help calm them!
For more information, or to purchase products, please visit www.thehappiestbaby.com.
Happy Halloween!
Best wishes,
The Happiest Baby, Inc.
12300 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 320
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-207-1111
Fax: 310-207-1221
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