Saturday, September 13, 2014

Well, Hello!

It's been a long time.  And, I'm sorry to say, it's likely to be a long time more before anything else gets posted here.  As much as I value documenting Clara and Elena's childhood and keeping them present in the lives of family and friends far away right now posting on a regular basis just isn't something I can keep up.

It's possible, though, that I might be able to do this occasionally - give a bit of the flavor of a special day here and there.  Today I took the girls to the National Bison Range and then to two farms in Moiese where some of our CSA vegetable share came from.  We had a pretty fun time - here are some pictures from the day.

The antlers that have been found on the range through the years-

Why is he shaved?? We have no idea.

In the eggplants:

Picking a tomato for her dad:
In the asparagus:
Riding the rubber tire horse swing:

Pressing apples for cider:

The eight year old tractor driver who drove the kids all around the farms.

Can you spy them in the distance?

Farm dinner - with all veggies, grains, seeds, and cheeses from the immediate area.

Feeding the goats:

Getting baby Padma to eat a cucumber.

The girls are growing beautifully.  They have loose and missing teeth all over, and teeth growing in at odd angles.  They are in separate classrooms for the first time in their lives and they are just both loving their second grade experience.  Elena's still playing guitar, and Clara is deciding between continuing with the fiddle or moving to singing or guitar lessons.  Both girls are progressing in irish dance, and have been moved up again to the next level. Elena is trying again to grow out her bangs, and Clara is reading like a champ.  They are the smartest, funniest, most adaptive, beautiful children I've ever known, and I'll try to share them with you a bit more often!
