Steve has long shared with the girls his love of disco music. So much so, in fact, that they request songs by name. Their favorite at the moment will inspire them to turn to Steve and ask: "Daddy, we get down on it?" Click here if you're not sure what they mean. And this is how they get down:
It sure is a lot of fun! Lately the girls are also very into creative experiences. If they're not asking to sew, color, or cut, they are now asking if they can "do mine craft." Today's craft was making ladybugs out of foam board.
This craft was inspired by the ladybugs we are currently raising. They are both for fun, and to help with the aphid problem we have in our trees. If you want your own ladybug land, you can click on over here.
We also made sure we incorporated a lot of sweets into the weekend, to make up a bit for the rotten weather. This cake brightened our spirits, and also reminded us a bit again of our ladybugs.
In our recently-tricky efforts to help the girls go to sleep peacefully at night (the first time we put them down) we ask them to think about what they'd like to do the next day if they can both stay quietly in their beds until morning. The request lately has been that they wanted to make "bunny cakes" out of a cake pan Grammie Ellen brought to us. We are so happy that this morning we could finally grant that wish!
It's hard to really see how cute the bunny is covered with frosting - this is what they looked like on their own.
Perhaps as a reward for our patience this weekend, or perhaps as a cosmic reward to the girls for sleeping well, we did get about two hours of sunshine this afternoon. The splash pads in town had turned on the water, and we took the girls to go see. They barely got wet, only running through a tiny bit, but it was adorable to see how excited they were to even see the water spraying. And it was really funny how they kept going behind one another and pushing each other towards the water saying "You go, friend! You go in, friend!" They were each desperate for the other to go in first, but eventually they both ended up in and happy. And we had hot dogs and cherries and chocolate milk for dinner...preschooler heaven.